What are the four biggest questions that are bothering the human psyche for time immemorial?

The following are the four biggest questions that are bothering the human psyche for time immemorial:
  1. Who am I? 
  2. Where from I came? 
  3. What’s the purpose of my life? 
  4. Where am I going from here? 

Who am I? 

I am a pure witnessing consciousness. When asked, Buddha said, “I am nobody”. I am nobody. I am a no-body. The consciousness is not a body. It’s a no-body. The consciousness is a spiritual dimension. It’s not physical. It’s neither a matter, nor an energy, and nor a force. It’s not part of the time. It’s part of the timelessness. You are just a Shuddha Chaitanya (pure witnessing consciousness). 

Where from I came? 

I came from nowhere? I belong to the nothingness. I am causeless - uncaused I came and uncaused shall I go. Nothingness is my home. 

What’s the purpose of my life? 

The purpose of my life? - Please go to point number one. The question has the answer hidden in it. The beginning embeds the end in it. The purpose of life is to know yourself. The purpose of life is to know who you are. The purpose of life is twofold. Firstly, you should do everything to know yourself. And secondly, once you have known yourself, you should do everything to dispel how to know yourself. 

Where am I going from here? 

I amn’t going anywhere. I am just here and here. I am here forever. I am here and now. 

The above answers may not satisfy you completely. While I am thirsty, when I am given a coke, my thirst can be prolonged for a while but it can never be quenched. Why? Because only the real water can quench the thirst of my body. And coke, though contains some water, isn’t a real water. It’s made from water but not real water. I ultimately need real water to quench my thirst. The same is true for all existential questions in life. Only the real meets the real. Please look into the word ‘question’ carefully. It contains quest. The quest is individual and spiritual. The quest for something is different from the quest for yourself.

All spirituality is a quest for yourself. All the above four questions move around our own self. They are existential and living questions. They are not just concepts. And concepts can’t give you total satisfaction. So, feel the need and explore your own inner being thoroughly. Neti, neti (Not this, not this). Ah, Eti, eti (This and this). Only this. And it’s there everywhere, in everything, and in everyone. One in all, and all in one. And that’s you and me. 
The purpose of life is to know yourself. The purpose of life is to know who you are. The purpose of life is twofold. Firstly, you should do everything to know yourself. And secondly, once you have known yourself, you should do everything to dispel how to know yourself.

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